Thursday, 10 December 2015

Evaluation Feedback

Evaluation Feedback

Teacher Feedback

WWW: There are some clear positives to this evaluation with some detailed discussion of particular shots and transitions and their impact on the audience. You use media terminology confidently in the section on strengths.
EBI: One massive problem: no reference to the brief at all. The evaluation guidance asked you to outline the brief at the beginning of your evaluation but you haven’t done this. More worryingly, you haven’t discussed the fact that your group did not meet the brief at all. Considering this was the most significant criticism of the work I’m very surprised this does not feature in your evaluation. In addition to this, written English is poor in places – read over the beginning of your second paragraph. You simply need to improve your written English and attention to detail if you want to access the highest grades at A Level. Finally, the reflection on the lack of effective planning is honest and this is something you definitely need to address for the real coursework.

LR: Copy and paste this feedback into a new blogpost and write three specific aspects you will look to improve for the real MEST2 evaluation in March.

1) One thing major that I will add to my evaluations in the future is the use of repeated mistakes that were present in my preliminary exercise. One thing that I missed out was the fact that my preliminary exercise didn't follow the brief and should of added this as one of the main concerns with the viewers points.

2) I will improve the quality of my written communication when trying to address a specific issue or topic related to the exercise. Moreover, this means that I deliver my opinions and thoughts in a much clearer and simpler way rather than complicating my evaluation.

3) I will also make sure that my evaluation doesn't reflect greatly on my opinions but also other peoples. This is because I can justify certain things as well as giving actual evidence of peoples thoughts and opinions of the exercise.

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