Monday, 5 October 2015

Sound Task: Interstellar

Chosen Clip: Interstella - Waves Scene

This is a perfect clip in which it delivers sound and music in an interesting way to the audience. There are a mixture of sounds present in this clip reaching from non-diegteic sounds to diegetic sound.

Firstly, one of the sounds in this clip is the constant sound of the clock ticking. This is a non-diegetic sound in which the character cannot hear it. The reason why I believe that this sound effect is really good is because it fits the theme of this clip. The theme of this clip or what is happening is that the character are on a tight schedule to find missing parts of a data that was once lost. This non-diegetic sound was used brilliantly to convey that the characters are trying to complete the mission under a short period of time. This sound (of the clock ticking) is played through out this scene. This sound is used to communicate to the audience that time is the characters main priority and that time is ticking. This sound seems to be parallel to the clip as the scene is predominately based on time, and time plays a key role in this scene which makes the sound fit in with the scene its being portrayed in.

Another non-diegetic sound that is present in this clip is the soundtrack played when the characters notice the giant wave heading towards them.This is a source of non-digetic sound as the characters in the clip cannot hear it and therefore it isn't considered to be diegetic sound. The use of this soundtrack was used brilliantly to set the tone of which the scene is based on which is a dilemma scene. Moreover, the type of music used in the scene was used to illustrate to the audience the power and amazement of the waves perception in the eyes of the characters which is what the music does well. This sound is seen to be parallel to the clip as the type of music fits in with the tone and delivers the message that the scene is trying to give out. The message that the seen is trying to convey is the sheer power and strength of the wave which correlate well with the waves appearance.

In addition, there are many more sound effects that are used in this scene which are diegetic (the characters could hear it). For example, the sound of the door opening from the spaceship, the sound of the waves crashing down as well as, the sound of the characters footsteps in the water.These sound effects are used to create a realistic scene to the audience and deliver a sense of realism to the consumers eyes. Moreover, the use of silence in some of the shots really deliver a sense of suspense of what's going to happen next and really engages the audience to watch more.

Finally, the next sound that is present in the clip is the dialogue of characters themselves.  The dialogue is key in this scene as it is portrayed to be very significant when it comes to introducing the clock ticking effect as well as the soundtrack. The use of this line "Seven years per hour here, lets make it count" shows how this piece of dialogue was vital to be used as it introduces the sound effect of the ticking. This is seen as 'vital' because the dialogue and the ticking fit in with each other and delivers a message to the audience of what is happening in the scene. Moreover, the dialogue also is key when it comes to the transition of the soundtrack. The use of the characters reaction upon seeing the wave and the dialogue the characters use shows their emotions towards it and the use of the soundtrack is used to deliver that message across to the audience.

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